A Personal Approach To Planning for your Future LET'S GET STARTED


How to Start Your Estate Planning

How can you provide for your children in the event of a tragedy? The best way is to have an estate plan and to include all of their caretakers in it.In this newsletter article, we'll teach you how to start estate planning so that you can feel confident knowing that your children are well taken care of if something happens to you.

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3 Situations Where You Might Need a Full-Service Elder Law Attorney

Elder law attorneys are not just for eldercare. There are many situations where elder law advice is needed, even if elder care is not an issue. To determine whether you need a full-service elder law attorney to help with your situation, take a look at these 3 situations:

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Why It Is Important to Review Your Estate Plan.

Establishing an estate plan is essential, of course, but it is also important to review your prepared plan once in a while. If your plan was created when your child was a newborn, it is certainly time for a review when your kid is in college. Here are a few reasons why you might want to revisit it.

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Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts to Benefit Minors

Life insurance can be an invaluable planning tool for parents of minor children. Life insurance can provide you with peace of mind knowing that your children will be provided for financially if the worst occurs, but naming beneficiaries can be tricky.

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Why New Parents Need an Estate Plan

While changing diapers, you’ve probably already given thought to how to pay for your child’s education. And you will likely search social media for info on the new babysitter who will watch your child for a few hours Friday night. So why not prepare for the worst “what if” scenario of all? No one wants to imagine what might happen. The last thing you want is someone you don’t know or trust raising your precious youngster. So, it’s not only wise but also responsible to think through and make a solid plan.Here are major questions to consider when protecting your child’s future…

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The Trouble With DIY Estate Plans

In the information age, when the answer to many of our questions can be found with the click of a button, we tend to over-rely on our ability to go-it-alone. Thanks to sites like Pinterest, we can all get a feel for what it’s like to be a professional chef, interior designer, or master craftsman. I’ll admit, I’ve tinkered with recipes and home DIY projects with mixed results. Sometimes they turn out spectacular and other times, well, the end result leaves a lot to be desired (if I put it nicely).

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Top 3 Tips for Protecting Your Assets

As the old saying goes, don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. As parents, your life likely revolves around your children. But, like most of us, you probably find yourself wrapped up in the day-to-day work of earning assets to provide for your loved ones. While earning an income to provide for your everyday needs is essential, it’s equally important to focus on the future - and how you might protect those hard-earned assets for your retirement (and beyond).

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Life Insurance Errors That Can Negatively Impact Your Children

Having a life insurance policy is a great first step toward providing for your loved ones should something happen to you. Unfortunately, life insurance policies, like estate plans, can be complicated. Even a simple mistake can lead to disastrous consequences for your loved ones.

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How Can I Make Sure My Family Property Stays in the Family?

As parents, we work hard to provide for our children. And most of us, a whopping 77%, plan to leave an inheritance for our children – to provide for them after we’re gone. The problem is that inheritance can potentially be lost if your child divorces, files for bankruptcy, or is sued. While we don’t like to think about these types of life events for our children, they are surprisingly common.

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Tips for Naming Guardians for Your Minor Children

As a parent, you likely worry about all the little details: what your child eats, wears, and how much sleep they get. You might also worry about life’s big “what if’s” – like what would happen if you were in an accident, or worse, if you and your spouse passed away.

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